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What is Web Development and its tools
India is situated north of the equator between 8°4' north to 37°6' north latitude and 68°7' east to 97°25' east longitude. It is the seventh-largest country in the world, with a total area of 3,287,263 square kilometres. India measures 3,214 km from north to south and 2,933 km from east to west. It has a land frontier of 15,200 km and a coastline of 7,516.6 km.
Full form of Computer: A computer is an electronic machine that accepts data from the user, processes the data by performing calculations and operations on it and generates the desired outcome or result. The computer is derived from the Latin word ‘computerae’ which means ‘to compute’. The full form of the Computer is Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research.
Some Important Facts related to Computers
The more commonly used shortcut keys in Microsoft Word.
The more commonly used shortcut keys in Microsoft Excel.
You can search pincode of whole Delhi.
There are 34 types of special symbols on the keyboard as below with their Unicode. Unicode: an international encoding standard for use with different languages and scripts, by which each letter, digit, or symbol is assigned a unique numeric value that applies across different platforms and programs.
There are so many types of Universal Serial Bus (USB).Universal Serial Bus (USB) is an industry standard that establishes specifications for cables, connectors and protocols for connection, communication and power supply (interfacing) between computers, peripherals and other computers. A broad variety of USB hardware exists, including 14 different connector types, of which USB-C is the most recent and the only one not currently deprecated. First released in 1996, the USB standards are maintained by the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF).
Network: When two or more computers are connected with wired and wireless and share their resources(in the form of Images, Videos, etc) it is called a Network.
Use VLOOKUP when you need to find things in a table or a range by row.
Read about what is language? भाषा क्या होती है ... दुनिया की सबसे पुरानी भाषा "संस्कृत" और इस भाषा की व्याकरण को जिस विद्वान ने दुनिया को बतलाया, समझाया, कि भाषा कैसे बोली जाएँगी, पढ़ी जाएँगी, और लिखी जाएँगी, उनका नाम था "महर्षि पाणिनि"(Panini)। उन्होंने अष्टाध्यायी = आठ अध्यायों वाली (8 chaptars) में उस सबकी पूरी व्याख्या की है।
IKIGAI: The Japanese secret to a long and happy life ...
इकिगाई: दीर्घायु, तंदुरुस्त और आनंदित जीवन का जापानी रहस्य
When a browser requests a service from a web server, an error might occur, and the server might return an error code like "404 Not Found". It is common to name these errors HTML error messages. But these messages are something called HTTP status messages. In fact, the server always returns a message for every request. The most common message is 200 OK.
Pivot tables are the fastest and easiest way to quickly analyze data in Excel.
किसी भाषा में प्रचलित वाक्यांश या पद समूह, जो अभिधा या शाब्दिक अर्थ से भिन्न लक्षणायुक्त विशेष अर्थ देता है, मुहावरा कहलाता है। अतः विद्यार्थियों, लेखकों को इनका ज्ञान होना आवश्यक है। यहाँ हम कुछ प्रमुख मुहावरे प्रस्तुत कर रहे है।
List of Hon'ble President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Governor(States and UT) and Chief Minister(states and UT) of India
Latest Constitutional words
English Useful words, increase your English vocabulary. Words make language stronger.
नृत्य भारत में एक प्राचीन और प्रसिद्ध सांस्कृतिक परंपरा है। पूरे देश में लोक नृत्यों की भरमार है, और लोगों की भारी भीड़ त्योहारों और शादियों में नाचती हुई देखी जा सकती है। भारतीय सिनेमा (तथाकथित "बॉलीवुड" फिल्मों) में भी नृत्य और गीत बहुत अधिक हैं। लेकिन भारतीय नृत्य की जड़ें कहां से आती हैं? यहाँ भारत के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण शास्त्रीय नृत्य रूपों में से 6 हैं।
Class 11th and 12th Computer Science